Saturday, 16 April 2011

Deleted scenes of Slaughterhouse-Five

So most movie/video have some kind of bloopers and random clips at the end right?Well, just for fun since our blogging project is coming to an end, there are a few scenes that I would like to add to Slaughterhouse-Five. I roughly sketched them our with a little description below every picture. Please enjoy!!!!!!

Above is Billy's face. Imagine Billy, after proposing to Valencia, the very night before his own wedding specifically went for a tour and time travelled to the lovely Tralfalmadore. There, he sees Valencia, years after marriage with wrinkles around her eyes and a candy bar in one hand. She was driving, then, a truck crashed into her, and she soon died. Would he still marry her? Does he really care...he might just think that Valencia didn't really die like the Tralfamaldorian....

I think there was one blogging assignment where we had to argue whether Billy really travelled in time or that he's just suffering from the plane crash. I read a few post by others and most of them agreed that only Vonnegut would know. But I was think, if only Montana time travelled back to New York and did the speech with Billy, someone might actually believe what Billy said since he have an attractive witness,right?
Ok, last one.The idea of the Three Musketeers sounded interesting to me. But I would like Lazzaro to be in it. For now, the Three Musketeers would be Weary, Billy, and Lazzaro. Let's pretend that Weary didn't die that early and the Three Musketeers all went to Slaughterhouse-Five. In there, they were poorly treated so they decided to escape. The three escaped and went back to America together. Lazzaro, being his old self, stole a scarf from Weary and a pen from Billy. Bill and Weary decided to ditch Lazzaro and take revenge (maybe have him killed). At the same time, Lazzaro realizes that the two companions are no longer loyal, therefore adds them to his to-kill list. Who do you think will die first?


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