Yuemin Writing a Novel
I wasn't planning on posting today, but after reading Yuemin's post below, I had to make one. Speaking of "fml"s, I think there are basically two types of teenagers who say it the most, just like diabetes. Type 1 diabetes refers to those who actually inherited the disease, and type 2 mainly refers to those who simply consume too much sugar. So referencing to Yuemin's post, the procrastinators, the mark fanatics, the whiny ones are generally type 2; Vonnegut and all the Japanese who lost their home belong to type 1. I, myself belongs to type 2. With report cards, assignments, and tests piling up, I don't think I have been thankful in a while. Recently, watching news reports on Japan and reading Slaughterhouse-Five has triggered me into thinking how I should appreciate life because I know that I am exposed to more opportunities than most in the world.
Vonnegut himself has been through a lot. From fighting on the American side in WWII to graduating from MIT, then to being a reporter, and a writer. The transactions and hardship couldn't be easy; Yet, on his tomb stone, it was written that "Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt." Perhaps it's time for type 2 to take lessons from Vonnegut, to learn to see beyond obstacles and appreciate their possessions.
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