Sunday, 17 April 2011

Fate again...

Since I just finished a post on fate/free will, I remembered a movie called Knowing.(Above is the trailer) In the movie, a boy pulled out a sheet of paper with seemingly random numbers written all over it from a time capsule. Coincidentally, the boy’s dad, a MIT professor, found out that those numbers recorded the date, location, and the number of death of every major disaster on earth, even the ones that didn’t happen yet. I tried to imagine myself as that dad, being foretold about all the catastrophic events and not being able to stop them. Life would be miserable if I have to watch fate toy with the world helplessly; Wouldn't it for anyone with a heart and some pity to spare?

If fate really planned everything out for us, let's hope that we'll never get our finger prints on that schedule. Personally, I think it is easier to live our life the way we want to rather than what's destined to come. People are not meant to know the date of their own death, nor to count how many days they have left on earth. Truly, not many people can be as calm as Billy: knowing that he's going to die in New York and still give to speech, seeing deaths of family before it happens and say "So it goes."

If fate ever gives me my schedule, I will burn it.

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