Sunday 17 April 2011

Fate/Free Will

Believing in fate or free will is another commonly argued topic. I personally believe in both (maybe a bit more in free will if I have to choose).

Some people think that money is the root to all solutions. With money, possibly every existing door in the society can be open. With money, there comes power, the power to control things; Yes, money can control fate as well. In fact, fate often plays in favor of money. Children who are born in an aristocratic families are generally exposed to better education and better chances in life. With better foundation, it is easier to exert further. But for every advantage there are drawbacks. Lord Acton once said, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Money can be the root of evils, and the riches are more exposed to the lure. When the riches are prejudiced by the poor, there are no jealousy.

Fate is often unpredictable and unruly, just like the money example that I gave above. Other than money, there are many talents, characteristics that we are to born with; Those, too, are controlled by fate. In contrast to believing in fate, believing in free will offers the adherent more control over the situation. The adherent can decide how much effort to put into a task, rather than obeying what fate decides. (Although both ways, fate decides the amount of output you are to receive.)

Being a slightly meticulous person who doesn't like taking risks, I would say I believe in free will 95% of the time. Free will allows me to work for what I want and watch where my path is heading rather than being blindfolded and lead. To me, believing in free will offers more assurance and stability. (So far, not studying for tests has never granted me a good mark no matter what kind of prayers I say or how much I donate...fate's not on my side if it exists.)

There's still 5% of me that believe in fate though. To me, there are only a few occasions that it's ok to believe in fate:
1.When buying lottery
2.When facing unavoidable, unalterable obstacles
3. When it comes to death of family members/friend, but only if medication fails
4. After math contest, before seeing the score

For all those "keener" out there, do believe in fate only when the situation is mentioned in the list above.

And for those who are unsure, ask yourself those questions. (I stole them from

- How much power do the so-called agents of fate control your life?
      My Opinion: A lot actually, but there's no need to worry about it since we can't control it.
- If omnipotent and omniscient God controls everything that happens in the world, then what is the role of our own decisions?
    My Opinion: Our own decision won't matter that much is everything was just meant to be the way it is. If 
                        every situation is just like a bug trapped in amber, why do we even go to school? We'll end
                        being where we are destined to be anyways.

- Is our free will actually a free choice, or is it an orchestrated action?
   My Opinion: I really have no input on this one. The more I think about it, the more confusing it gets.
- Can our free will decision win over fate?
   My Opinion: Oh, definitely. Ever seen a successful person with poor family background? He surely worked
                       hard for it. But then again, we can argue that he was meant to be impeded when he was


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