Sunday 17 April 2011

"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center"

I believe that Vonnegut is trying to convey his fear in this quote.
From the center, one could only see the platform surrounding them. However, out on the edge, one could also see the platform along with those things over the edge. I think that Vonnegut is curious, but fears the unknown. We can see this because in the novel, Vonnegut discusses a forth dimension. He says that everything that is unexplained by humans is in the forth dimension.Isn't that just making up a reason to explain what we (humans) cannot understand yet?

Tralfamadorians were viewed as wise beings, known to be able to see the past, present, and future all at once. They know when a life is born, what they do in between, and how or when they died.
Isn't this sort of like the quote? The center is the present, and we, humans, are standing there. The edge is where the Tralfamadorians are, where they can see everything we can and beyond, they can see the fourth dimension. 

This idea, however, contradicts one of his own points. If Vonnegut is trying to tell us to focus on the present, why should we fear the unknown? We would take each step at a time without any rush, embrace what is to come. Why should there be fear?

Quite opposite to Vonnegut, I want to stay in the center. I would want to focus on what is important in front of me without the need to worry how far I go, whether I'm far enough from the edge so that I don't fall over.

Throughout this project, I realized that I have many contradicting ideas to Vonnegut. But all the same, I have learned a lot from him, and is now able to appreciate everything around me more. Also to be thankful that I do not have a war bombing as a movie replying in my mind all the time. 

                                                                      - Yuemin 

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